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Memoria de elefante

Memoria de elefante

2005 ·
·3.89·600 Ratings ·152 Pages
“ Respond to every call that excites your spirit. ” ― Rumi
Authors' Books
  • The Natural Order of Things

    ·4.1·248 Ratings
    The Natural Order of Things is a tale of two families and the secrets that bind them. The voices of Antunes' characters -- an army officer being tortured in prison on charges of conspiracy; an elderly man, once a miner in Mozambique, now reduced to dream
  • An Explanation of the Birds

    ·4.03·187 Ratings
    Rui S., a political historian, is unable to accept the circumstances of his life: his mother's death from cancer, his estrangement from his family, his rejection by his first wife and children, his political vacillations and his ambigious feelings for his
  • The Inquisitors' Manual

    ·4.06·302 Ratings
    Like a Portuguese version of As I Lay Dying, but more ambitious, António Lobo Antunes's eleventh novel chronicles the decadence not just of a family but of an entire society - a society morally and spiritually vitiated by four decades of totalitarian rul
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  • The Return of the Caravels

    ·3.65·165 Ratings
    Called "hallucinatory and lyrical" (Publishers Weekly), The Return of the Caravels -- selected as a New York times Summer Reading title -- is a powerful indictment of Portuguese colonialism and another literary tour de force from the pen of Antonio Lobo A
  • Os Cus de Judas

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    Logo depois de voltar da guerra em Angola, António Lobo Antunes escreve Os cus de Judas, sobre suas experiências naquele país. O romance se tornou um enorme sucesso, vindo a ser o primeiro grande livro sobre o conflito e a independência angolanos e um
  • Eu Hei-de Amar uma Pedra

    ·3.74·105 Ratings
    Durante anos, às quartas-feiras, numa pensão de Lisboa, uma homem e uma mulher encontram-se para viver uma paixão renascida após uma longa interrupção.Um extraordinário romance que cruza as fotografias da memória desse amor clandestino, dos dois a
  • Esplendor de Portugal

    ·4.07·123 Ratings
    The Splendor of Portugal’s four narrators are members of a once well-to-do family whose plantation was lost in the Angolan War of Independence; the matriarch of this unhappiest of clans and her three adult children speak in a nightmarish, remorseless gu
  • Exortação aos Crocodilos

    ·3.81·103 Ratings
    As vozes de quatro mulheres reconstroem a narrativa de que são actores os quatro companheiros delas e que se centra na acção de uma rede bombista de extrema-direita a actuar em Portugal a seguir ao 25 de Abril. Sendo personagens menos relevantes para a
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