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Stanisław Barańczak

Stanisław Barańczak

·4.1·11,125 Ratings
“ Don't fear change. The surprise is the only way to new discoveries. Be playful! ” ― Gordana Biernat
Authors' Books
  • The Doll

    ·3.79·3,915 Ratings
    Warsaw under Russian rule in the late 1870s is the setting for Prus’s grand panorama of social conflict, political tension, and personal suffering. The middle-aged hero, Wokulski, successful in business, is being destroyed by his obsessive love for a fr
  • View With a Grain of Sand: Selected Poems

    ·4.34·3,271 Ratings
    In these 100 poems Wisława Szymborska portrays a world of astonishing diversity and richness, in which nature is wise and prodigal and fate unpredictable, if not mischevious. With acute irony tempered by a generous curiousity, she documents life's improb
  • Monologue of a Dog

    ·4.27·340 Ratings
    From a writer whom Charles Simic calls "one of the finest poets living" comes a collection of witty, compassionate, contemplative, and always surprising poems. Szymborska writes with verve about everything from love unremembered to keys mislaid in the gra
  • Map: Collected and Last Poems

    ·4.49·231 Ratings
    A new collected volume from the Nobel Prize–winning poet that includes, for the first time in English, all of the poems from her last Polish collectionOne of Europe’s greatest recent poets is also its wisest, wittiest, and most accessible. Nobel Prize
  • Here

    ·4.24·710 Ratings
    An exciting collection of poems by Wislawa Szymborska. When Here was published in Poland, reviewers marveled, “How is it that she keeps getting better?” These twenty-seven poems, as rendered by prize-winning translators Clare Cavanagh and Stanislaw Ba
  • Ocalone w tłumaczeniu

    ·4.33·96 Ratings
    Ocalone w tłumaczeniu jest fundamentalnym dziełem Stanisława Barańczaka, niezastąpionym przewodnikiem dla studentów, tłumaczy i miłośników poezji. Książka stanowi "Teorię Maksymalizmu Translatorskiego" autora mierzącego się z dawną i wspó
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