Trending eBooks about Geography
  • Geography and Vision

    273 Pages·2008·4.93 MB
    being put to the test as humans leave various cultural footprints across the inner planets of our solar .. His Jesuit v  ...
  • Geography and History of Albania

    170 Pages·2012·7.22 MB
    This volume of Geography and History has been designed with thefollowing aims: geographic information about Albania an  ...
  • Tourism Geography

    225 Pages·2003·4.37 MB
    Tourism Geography reveals how geographic perspectives can inform and cultural impacts that tourism may exert upon dest  ...
  • Swedish plant geography

    244 Pages·2012·14.4 MB
    Swedish plant geography. - Dedicated to Eddy van der Maarel on his 65th birthda -. Edited by Hakan Rydin, Pauli Snoeijs  ...
  • Philosophical Geography

    361 Pages·2016·1.33 MB·Indonesian
    gamoyenebuli literatura . diciebs (jeimz kukis, lui antuan de bugenvilis, Jan fransua laperuzis, jorj vankuveris glise  ...
Pay attention. Our only role in this world is to be awake. Consciously do things to bring yourself into the moment. If you’re with someone and not paying attention, stop and zone in on that person and be with them fully. Start to eliminate background noises and sights until it’s just you and them. If this is difficult, while you’re alone, practise removing other senses so you begin to focus on one thing. Close your eyes for a minute and focus on a single noise or cover your ears and look at a single object.
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