Panchatantra Books

  • Stories from PANCHATANTRA (Sanskrit Text & English -

    105 Pages·2009·573 KB
    पंचतकथासंमहः Stories from Panchatantra. 2. अनुबमिणका. नृपस�  ...
  • Panchatantra

    271 Pages·1991·4.84 MB·New!
    The oldest surviving collection of India fables,the Panchatantra,was probably written around 200  ...
  • The Great Panchatantra Tales

    106 Pages·2007·442 KB
    “But Sanjeevaka is a trusted friend of mine. The Great Panchatantra Tales  ...
  • The Panchatantra

    479 Pages·2006·13.56 MB
    Of all such books the world possesses. INTRODUCTION TO THE Panchatantra. The Panchatantra contains  ...
  • The Panchatantra

    532 Pages·2006·1.9 MB·New!
    The Panchatantra means five books. It is possibly the oldest surviving collection of Indian fables  ...
  • Stories from PANCHATANTRA (Sanskrit Text & English -

    105 Pages·2009·573 KB
    पंचतकथासंमहः Stories from Panchatantra. 2. अनुबमिणका. नृपस�  ...
  • Panchatantra (Arthur W Ryder).pdf

    479 Pages·2006·13.56 MB
    119. THE BLUE JACKAL. 122. PASSION AND THE OWL. 129. UGLY'S TRUST ABUSED. 134 . the Panchatantra  ...
  • The Panchatantra

    489 Pages·2005·13.42 MB·New!
    1925. The Panchatantra is a collection of Indian animal fables, known in Europe as the Fables  ...
  • Panchatantra

    479 Pages·2006·13.56 MB
    . Meanwhile  Panchatantra  ...
  • Stories of Panchtantra

    106 Pages·2007·456 KB
    Page 1. The Great Panchatantra Tales. (For more than two and a half millennia, the Panchatantra  ...
  • The Panchatantra - YouSigma

    171 Pages·2011·6.32 MB
    The Panchatantra Author: Johannes Hertel Created Date: 8/24/2011 8:33:27 PM The Panchatantra  ...
  • 16. Some More Short Stories - Arvind Gupta

    140 Pages·2010·10.74 MB
    for . "This is mine, of course, this is my Panchatantra, a book for children. 16. Some More Short Stories  ...
  • Knowledge is the true organ of sight – The Panchatantra

    92 Pages·2012·1.66 MB
    ). Knowledge is the true organ of sight – The Panchatantra e_une_2011 swarrener  ...
  • panchatantra Manual

    179 Pages·2015·4.75 MB
    PanchaTantra. Rural Development and Panchayat Raj. National Informatics Centre. Department  ...
  • The Panchatantra

    171 Pages·2011·6.32 MB
    AsiaTIQUE, Roy AL AsiaTIC  The Panchatantra The Panchatantra Johannes Hertel  ...
  • Piense y Hágase Rico

    235 Pages·2003·815 KB·Spanish·New!
    oratoria, y que si no quería aburrir a los Stilman y los Harriman y los El Panchatantra menciona  ...
  • Panchatantra stories

    271 Pages·2012·4.84 MB·New!
    Panchatantra.pdf Panchatantra Pandit Vishnu Sharma Panchatantra stories Panchatantra Pandit Vishnu  ...
  • Panchatantra portada

    163 Pages·2014·2.12 MB·Portuguese·New!
    o cinco Series de. 2 A KE N O N. Page 2. |. PANCHATANTRA. CINCU SERIES DE CLIENTS. TTjTt] LH) DEL  ...
  • humor y crítica social en el Panchatantra

    96 Pages·2017·1.35 MB·Spanish·New!
    t4=5e devi namastubhy23 yay2 vitt2nvit2 api /. humor y crítica social en el Panchatantra Entre la  ...
  • The Wisdom of China and India

    1,119 Pages·1942·83.81 MB·New!
    , Upanishads, Ramayana, Panchatantra, Dhammapada, Tao, Confucius, and much more. Includes glossary of Hindu  ...
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