Trending eBooks about Language
  • Spoken English: Flourish Your Language

    225 Pages·2010·5.11 MB
    All and all, this book is your free ticket . to . the world of speaking better and fluent English. Word stress is your  ...
  • How to Write Better Essays

    298 Pages·2007·884 KB
    How to Write Better Essays. Bryan Greetham. Key Concepts in Politics. Andrew Heywood. Linguistic Terms and Concepts. Ge  ...
  • Children Learning English

    192 Pages·2006·11.6 MB
    A guidebook for English the primary English classroom. of chapters, Alyson Maskell, who has come 1n with a fresh eye  ...
  • Free English Grammar

    488 Pages·2005·1.96 MB
    All of the essential points of English grammar are covered. * Each point of . The use of the present in subordinate cl  ...
  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language

    401 Pages·2012·9.23 MB
    TEFL courses in person and tutored those taking distance your lesson plan so that they can talk to you Putting Your Le  ...
  • A Student's Introduction to English Grammar

    320 Pages·2010·4.8 MB
    A Student's Introduction to English Grammar This groundbreaking undergraduate textbook on modem Standard English grammar  ...
  • Learning Arabic Language of the Quran

    488 Pages·2012·11.77 MB
    Learning Arabic Language of the Qur'én- Riyadh-2009. 484 p, 14x21cm While the student is learning Arabic grammar he o  ...
  • English Grammar for ESL Learners

    162 Pages·2011·949 KB
    PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT English Grammar for ESL Learners 00 (i-viii) frontmatter 11/3/04 1:41 PM Page i  ...
  • Learning English as a Foreign Language for Dummies

    370 Pages·2010·21.47 MB
    By Gavin Dudeney and Nicky Hockly. Learning English as a Foreign Language. FOR. DUMmIES‰. A John Wiley and Sons, Ltd,  ...

    54 Pages·2008·1.1 MB
    Public Domain. This book (Learning Spoken English) may be freely published in English or translated into any other langu  ...
  • Arabic-English Dictionary

    1,131 Pages·2011·40.22 MB
    Arabic-English. Dictionary. The. Hans Wchr. Dictionary Of Modern. Written Arabic. J M.Cowan. IslamFuturc. Third Edition  ...
  • The Definitive Book of Body Language

    404 Pages·2005·5.67 MB
    How Well Can You Spot Body Language Contradictions? How We Wrote This Book. Your Body Language Dictionary. 1. enough a  ...
  • French Vocabulary

    222 Pages·2007·1.33 MB
    French Vocabulary PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Eliane Kurbegov New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City  ...
  • Hebrew-English Tanakh: The Jewish Bible - Holy Language Institute

    1,636 Pages·2009·34.96 MB
    the indicated biblical passage, Hebrew and English side-by side. This Tanakh has also been enabled for commenting when  ...
  • English Literature

    606 Pages·2015·1.45 MB
    English literature from Anglo-Saxon times to the close of the Victorian Era, has . "Deor's Lament." "The Seafarer Charl  ...
  • Webster's Dictionary of English Usage

    994 Pages·2007·29.85 MB
    Dictionary of. EnglishUsage. Webster's Dictionary of English. Usage is a work of unparalleled au- thority and scholarsh  ...
  • Techniques in language Teaching

    318 Pages·2015·2.67 MB
    14 Emerging Uses of Technology in Language Teaching and Learning. 15 Conclusion feedback and input have helped to shap  ...
  • 397 English Grammar Tests

    818 Pages·2008·2.49 MB
    PHOTOCOPIABLE © TESTS 397 English Grammar Tests Index ESL Prepositions  ...

    172 Pages·2006·925 KB
    BASIC SPANISH: A GRAMMAR AND a grammar book such as Modern Spanish Grammar In English the indirect object is often int  ...
  • Arabic: An Essential Grammar

    366 Pages·2007·1.91 MB
    Arabic. An Essential Grammar. The book has the great advantage of introducing Arabic grammatical' terminology in a mann  ...
Be mindful when eating. We can often eat on the go and not only fail to taste the food but also overeat or not chew our food properly. To eat mindfully, decide you are going to make eating your sole focus. Notice the food on your plate, pay attention to colours, shapes and smells. Bring your awareness to the sensation of chewing and the flavours, textures and temperature in your mouth. Notice any urge to eat quickly or swallow your food without chewing it completely. Be aware of your attention getting hijacked from the experience of eating and gently bring it back to the flavour of the food.
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